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ccInstruct Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 31 July 2023

ccInstruct is committed to protecting the information of all its users, particularly students. The purpose of this document is to share the ways that user information is managed by ccInstruct.

Information Security is hosted by InMotion Hosting using a paid, professional account. All data is stored at their West Coast Data Center, located in Loas Angeles, California. Every reasonable effort is made to secure all information stored by ccInstruct from unauthorized access. These measures include but are not limited to:
These efforts notwithstanding, it is impossible for any organization to guarantee 100% security of information stored electronically or transmitted over the internet. If you have concerns about the security of your data, or have reason to believe that it may have been compromised, please let us know immediately by sending an email to

Users of ccInstruct
ccInstruct will not share any information with any third-party entity or individual, except where required to do so by law. Thus, the only individuals able to access information stored by ccInstruct are authenticated users.
ccInstruct distinguishes between different user types to control who gets to view and edit different types of information. The user types are described in the table blow, along with general information about account creation, and the editing and viewing privileges of each user type.
User Type Definition When Accounts are Created Editing Privileges Viewing Only Privileges
ccInstruct Super-user Highest level ccInstruct workers. When occupying a high-level position for ccInstruct. All None
ccInstruct Developer ccInstruct workers responsible for code generation and database design. When occupying a developer position for ccInstruct. User and Database management for an institution only as needed for troubleshooting and debugging. None
ccInstruct Administrator ccInstruct workers who provide support for assigned institutions where ccInstruct is used. When occupying an administrator position for ccInstruct. User and database management as it pertains to assigned institutions. Course Management for all courses at assigned institutions. None
Institution Administrator Employee of an institution where ccInstruct is used, who oversee its use for their institution. When a ccInstruct record is created for an institution that plans to use ccInstruct for any of its courses. When ccInstruct is adopted by individual teachers, that teacher will be their own Institution Administrator. User and database management as it pertains to their institution. Course Management for all courses at their institutions. None
Teachers Employee of an institution where ccInstruct is used with teaching responsibilities at their institution. Either when a ccInstruct Administrator or Institution Administrator creates their account, or when individual teachers adopt ccInstruct for their courses and create their own account. Course Management (Course settings, learning units, assignments, accommodations for individual students assigned to their courses, grades for students assigned to their courses, etc.) Student data for students in their courses.
Course Observer Employee of an institution, such as an administrator, evaluator, or teacher who are granted rights to view a course as a teacher does, but without editing privileges. When a ccInstruct Administrator, Institution Administrator, or Teacher associates an individual from their institution to satisfy this role for a specific course. None Student data for students in the course they are observing. Course Management (Course settings, learning units, assignments, accommodations for individual students assigned to the courses being observed, grades for students assigned to the courses being observed, etc.)
Support-staff Employee of an institution where ccInstruct is used with responsibilities for providing support for individual students taking courses at the institution. When a ccInstruct or Institution Administrator associates an individual from their institution to satisfy this role for a specific student and course. None Course information, assignments, and grades for the specific student and course to which they are assigned.
Teaching Assistants Employees or Students at an Institution where ccInstruct is used, who aid teachers in the administration of specific courses at their institution. When a ccInstruct or Institution Administrator associates an individual from their institution to satisfy this role for a specific course. Creating and Editing assignments with default accommodations for individual students. Student grades for individual assignments. None
Students Individuals who are enrolled in courses taught at an institution where ccInstruct is used for their courses. When a ccInstruct or Institution Administrator associates a student from their institution to satisfy this role for a specific course. Submitting assignments for work assigned to them in their courses. Course information, their own assignments, and their own grades for their own courses.
Parents Those who are the legal guardians for students enrolled in a secondary school where ccInstruct is used. When a ccInstruct or Institution Administrator associates an individual to satisfy this role for a specific student based on credible information that this individual has a legal right to view a student's academic information; usually based on an institution’s records for each student. None Course information, assignments, and grades for their children for the course to which they are assigned.

User Information Collected
Information collected by ccInstruct will differ for each type of user. Users have the ability to either change directly or request a change for all information pertaining to themselves, or on behalf of those for whom they are legally responsible by sending an email to For certain voluntary information, such as preferred name, pronouns, and gender identity, users may indicate which users who have access to their information can see this information. All information collected or entered about students is intended and will solely be used for a direct educational objective, including helping teachers to become familiar with their students, assess their work, provide needed accommodations and differentiated expectations, to grade, assess, and provide feedback on their educational progress in a class.
User Type Information Type Information Required/Voluntary When/How Collected Editable
All Identity Given Name Required Account creation Upon Request
All Identity Last Name Required Account creation Upon Request
All Identity Middle Name Voluntary Account creation Upon Request
All Identity Preferred Name Voluntary When/If Desired by user When/If Desired
All Identity Pronouns Voluntary When/If Desired by user When/If Desired
All Identity Whether their pronouns are traditional or non-conforming Voluntary When/If Desired by user When/If Desired
All Identity Title Voluntary When/If Desired by user When/If Desired
All Identity Photograph of themselves Voluntary When/If Desired by user (though students may be prompted to do so by their teacher). When/If Desired
All (except Parents) Institutional Institution Names Required Account creation or upon request to add an additional institution Upon Request
All Institutional Course Names Required Course Creation by Administrator or Teacher When/If Desired by administrator or teacher
All (except Parents) Contact Email - Institutional Required Account creation or upon request to add an additional institution Upon Request
Parents Contact Email - Personal email submitted to the institution where their child attends. Required  Account creation Upon Request and Verification
All Contact Mobile Phone number Voluntary When/If Desired by user When/If Desired
All Contact An alternate, personal email address Voluntary When/If Desired by user When/If Desired
Teachers Contact A customized email signatures for each class Voluntary When/If Desired by user When/If Desired
Parents Relationship Affiliation with a student who is their dependent, and a specific class. Required When their child is added to a class Upon Request
Support Staff Relationship Affiliation with a student for whom they have an official educational responsibility, and a specific class. Required When students they support are added to a class Upon Request
Students Accommodations and Differentiations Information for each student pertaining to accommodations or differentiated expectations on assignments and assessments, particularly as it pertains to extended time on assignments and assessments. Voluntary At any time that it a teacher or a school administrator deems it necessary for any reason to give said accommodations or differentiated expectations. By the teacher at any time.
Students Student Work Web form entries to posted activities and questions Required When students submit work Before due date and/or graded (depending on assignment settings)
Students Student Work File Uploads; pictures of hand-written or drawn responses to activities and questions. Required When students submit work Before due date and/or graded (depending on assignment settings)
Students Student Work Discussion Board Posts. Could include links to online documents, comments on educational videos, responses to posted questions, responses to other student's posts, etc. Required When students submit work Before due date and/or graded (depending on assignment settings)
Students Student Work Assessment Data. Could include responses to multiple choices questions and the like, short answer questions, and file uploads. Required When students submit work Before due date and/or graded (depending on assignment settings)
Students Student Work Grades for individual assignments, grade categories, and grading periods Required When students submit work Before due date and/or graded (depending on assignment settings)

User Information Visibility, Use, and Editing Potential
The table below describes the circumstances where personal information is viewable and/or editable by users. Any data help by ccInstruct pertaining to student and a school, will be made available to the relevant school upon request; The only exception would be for personal data that the student has indicated should not be made visible, specifically the student’s pronouns, preferred name, and gender identity.
Users Activity What they can see What they can edit What they can submit a request to be edited
All When signed in Preferred Name, Pronouns (if made visible to self), ccInstruct Courses in which they are enrolled
All In User Settings Photograph, Title, Preferred Name, Pronouns, Whether or not they want to indicate to teachers that their pronouns are non-conforming (i.e., that they are transgendered), Whether or not they want pronouns to be visible to the following groups: Self, Teachers, Other Students, Parents/Guardians, Support Staff, Mobile Phone and Carrier, Personal Email, For Teachers only: Default Email Signature Given Name, Last Name, ccInstruct Sign-in ID, Institution Email
Students, Parents, and Support Staff Submitting Group Assignments, Making Discussion Board Posts. *Note Parents and Support Staff may view, but not submit assignments and Discussion Board Posts. Preferred Name of Other Students in the same course and section/period; Last Name of Other Students in the same course and section/period; Pronouns of Other Students in the same course and section/period if that student has opted for them to be visible to other students.
ccInstruct Super-users, ccInstruct Developer (on as a- needed basis), ccInstruct Administrator, Institution Administrator Managing User Information All Information for each user associated with a given institution (including Parents of Students at the institution)
ccInstruct Super-users, ccInstruct Developers (on as a- needed basis), ccInstruct Administrators, Institution Administrators, Teachers Adding users to the course. Users may be set as: Teachers, Teacher Aids, Students, Course Observers, Parents for a specific student, Support Staff for a specific student The User’s Preferred Name, The User’s Last Name, The User’s Pronouns (if the user has made them visible to Teachers), The User’s ccInstruct ID, The User’s Institutional ID
ccInstruct Super-users, ccInstruct Developers (on as a- needed basis), ccInstruct Administrators, Institution Administrators, TeachersWhen viewing student profiles Lists of accommodations to be given to each student, including extra time to be generally granted on assignments and online assessments.
Students, Parents When viewing individual assignments or assessments Whether or not extra time has been given for the assignment or assessment.
ccInstruct Super-users ccInstruct Developers (on as a- needed basis) ccInstruct Administrators Institution Administrators Teachers Teacher Aids Course ObserversWhen Grading Individual Assignments. *Note: Under normal circumstances, only Teachers and Teacher Aids may enter grades; Course Observers may never enter grades. The other users indicated may do so on an as-needed basis only. Photograph of the Students who submitted the assignment Preferred Name of the Students who submitted the assignment Last Name of the Students who submitted the assignment Pronouns of the Students who submitted the assignment if that student has opted for them to be visible to Teachers or Students (For the Teacher Aid). The Grade for that individual assignment
ccInstruct Super-users ccInstruct Developers (on as a- needed basis) ccInstruct Administrators Institution Administrators Teachers Course Observers When submitting course-wide accommodations for individual students, when recording notes about the students progress in the class, including notes of conversations. *Note: Under normal circumstances, only Teachers may enter accommodations and notes for students enrolled in a given course. Course Observers may never do so. The other users indicated may do so on an as-needed basis only. Each students photograph Each student’s preferred name Each student’s Last Name Each Students Pronouns (if the student has made them visible to Teachers)
ccInstruct Super-users ccInstruct Developers (on as a- needed basis) ccInstruct Administrators Institution Administrators Teachers Course Observers When adjusting assignment settings for individual students *Note: Under normal circumstances, only Teachers may enter adjust assignment settings for a given course. Course Observers may never do so. The other users indicated may do so on an as-needed basis only. Each student’s Preferred Name Each student’s Last Name Each Students Pronouns (if the student has made them visible to Teachers) Each Student’s ccInstruct ID Each Student’s Institutional ID
ccInstruct Super-users ccInstruct Developers (on as a- needed basis) ccInstruct Administrators Institution Administrators Teachers Course Observers When viewing course grade lists *Note: Under normal circumstances, only Teachers may enter or change grades from within course grade lists. Course Observers may never do so. The other users indicated may do so on an as-needed basis only. Each student’s photograph Each student’s Preferred Name Each student’s Last Name Each Students Pronouns (if the student has made them visible to Teachers) Each Student’s ccInstruct ID Each Student’s Institutional ID Each Student’s Grades
Teachers Sending an email from ccInstruct *Note: Only teachers may send emails to students, their parents, and their Support Staff from ccInstruct. These emails are copied to the teacher’s institutional email, and the teacher’s institutional email is set as the reply-to address for the email. These emails are always sent to the recipient’s institutional email. Copies will also be sent to the recipient’s personal email if the user has supplied one. Each recipient’s Preferred Name Each recipient’s Last Name Each recipient’s Pronouns (if the recipient has made them visible to Teachers)

Use of De-Identified Data
ccInstruct workers may also use de-identified information for product development and for aggregate data analysis and summaries. De-identified data will have all direct and indirect personal identifiers removed; this includes names, ccInstruct ID numbers, School ID numbers, date of birth, contact information, photographs of users, photographs of users work, and any other information that could facilitate re-identification of the data. ccInstruct will never try to re-identify previously de-identified data, does not condone, and will never assist any party doing so.
ccInstruct will never provide de-identified data pertaining to any one individual to any third party. In the event that data is made available it would only be in the form of statistical summarizes, or generalized verbal summarizes.

Only teachers may send emails to students, their parents, and their support staff from ccInstruct. These emails are copied to the teacher’s institutional email, and the teacher’s institutional email is set as the reply-to address for the email. These emails are always sent to the recipient’s institutional email. Copies will also be sent to the recipient’s personal email if the user has supplied one.
Automated messages may also be sent to students, parents, and support staff at their institutional emails as well as user provided personal emails and mobile phones. Each user can control the type of automated communication, as well as the frequency in the “Info” tab for each class, or in the “All Classes” settings.

Children’s Privacy (COPPA)
The Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) requires ccInstruct to do the following as it applies to users under the age of 13:
ccInstruct is not designed for use by children under 13 years of age; however, when it needed for a student under the age of 13 to use ccInstruct, parental consent must first be sought by a teacher or administrator before creating an account for that child, and allowing that child to use ccInstruct.
Were information pertaining to a child under 13 to be found on ccInstruct, consent must be immediately obtained or the data removed from ccInstruct servers.
Any ccInstruct user who knowingly does not comply with this policy, could have their rights to use ccInstruct revoked.

Updating Your Information
Certain types of personal information can be changed by each user in User Settings. All other requests pertaining to other information or account settings can be made by sending an email to To ensure privacy, such requests must be sent from an email registered on ccInstruct. Please also include the following information in such requests.
Before requests are granted, ccInstruct workers may seek to authenticate the request through further communication with the requesting party.

Retention of Personal Data
Student Accounts: By default, ccInstruct retains all user data while the student is expected to be in attendance at their educational institution, and for 2 years thereafter; after that time, the following information is retained, while all other data (e.g., student work, discussion board posts, grades) is permanently deleted.
Prior to the 2 years, this allows students and teachers to verify grades as needed after they leave the institution. After the 2 years, the data retained allows students to access/verify their accounts, and view teacher notes and other teacher provided files as desired. In Account Settings, students may choose to adjust these data retention settings so that alternatively 1) their account is permanently deleted, along with all data, after 2 years, or 2) their account retains all data beyond the 2 years, until they request that it be removed. This policy was developed in part in response to former students asking to gain access to materials from former classes on ccInstruct a number of years after the class had ended.
Teacher or other Institutional Accounts: Information associated with teacher and other institutional accounts (such as administrators, support staff, observers, etc.) are retained indefinitely unless requested to be removed by sending an email to However, privileges associated with these accounts such as adding and editing other user data, or creating classes, may be altered.
Parents: Parents retain access to their child’s data for 2 years after their child is expected to leave the educational institution where ccInstruct is used. After that the Parents account is deleted, along with all relationship data.
ccInstruct Worker Accounts: ccInstruct worker accounts (Super-users, Developer, and Administrators) are suspended immediately after they are no longer associated with ccInstruct, and permanently deleted 1 year thereafter.

User’s Intellectual Rights
All data, information, resources, etc. uploaded to ccInstruct remains the intellectual property of the individual submitting the data. ccInstruct will make no intellectual claim on that property, and does not authorize its use for any purpose other than the educational goals previously stated.

Third Parties

At present, ccInstruct does not work with or rely on third parties for any of its functions, and will not share any data with any third party for any reason, except when legally mandated to do so.
If in the future ccInstruct initiates the potential use of third-party applications in connection with ccInstruct, this would only be done so after a notice of at least two weeks to all users, and user data would only be shared with the third-party after receiving the users express consent. Furthermore, ccInstruct will only share the least amount of data necessary for the third-party application to function, and only if the third-party agrees to
If relationships are established with third-party applications in the future, this document will be modified to list all third parties with whom data is shared, and to provide information about the shared data, its uses, and the protections provided by the third party.

Marketing and Advertising
ccInstruct will never use user data for marketing or advertisement purposes, unless the user provides that data specifically for this purpose and expressly agree that it can be used in this way. Any such information used for marketing or advertising will be carefully de-identified.

Data Breach Response Plan
In the event that data from ccInstruct is accessed by an unauthorized entity, or is used in a way that is inconsistent with this policy, all affected users and schools will be notified immediately by e-mail, and messages posted on ccInstruct to affected users. The cause of the breach will also be immediately investigated, and appropriate measures taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Contact ccInstruct
Please address any questions regarding this privacy policy to

Changes to this Privacy Notice
On occasion, ccInstruct may need to update this Privacy Policy. Any change to the privacy policy that would result in additional data being collected, or increase the visibility of their data, without their express consent will only take effect after a notice of not less than 2 week and with the relevant party’s consent; such notices will be posted on, and emailed to all potentially affected users.

ccInstruct Privacy Policy
ccInstruct Terms of Service