Classroom Management Designed for Teachers!
Can be used alone, or integrated with your existing Learning Management System.
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Two-step verification is required to sign in. Submit your credientials to get a verification code, then submit the code sent to your email or phone to finish logging in.

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 Already Have a Code



Upload Calendars for your school and classroom.

Create Blueprints for your different types of assignments.

Determine your grading scheme.

Create rosters, including accomodations needed for individual students.



New assignments are automatically matched to one of your blueprints.

Re-use your previous lessons by dropping your files onto the calendar.

Generate new lessons using our innovative and intuitive online tools.

Customize the settings for each assignment



Time and Due date accomodations are applied as indicated in your roster.

Easily customize assignment settings for each student

Adjust assignment dates is as simple as dragging and dropping.



Grade assignments using our powerful tools.

Leave notes for individual students about each assignment, or about their work in general.

Send emails to students, parents, counselors, support staff and administrators using our powerful email tool.

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